Thursday, 22 November 2012

Detour can help you choose where to play

This is only in Beta testing at the moment - and I hadn't heard of it.

But, its great. And since it has the people behind SongKick behind it, and becuse of the way it works, I have a feeling it will succeed.

In a nutshell, fans can pledge to attend a gig by the band that uses Detour to route their tour. 

I know there have been other services that try to allow fans demand that a band play their town (GigWish and Eventful being just two) but they haven't ever really quite nailed the method like Detour seems to.

Maybe that's because it's in private Beta and there are just a few bands using it but I think it's more to do with the fact that it's not just wishful thinking - it's about a band saying they will tour and looking to fans to help them suggest places that they might not otherwise play.

I really hope it works!

Read the Songkick piece about it here.

And the FAQ's here.