Wednesday 24 November 2010

YouTube can break an artist

Got this Billboard article from a recent Bob Lefsetz email. It's an interview with Justin Bieber's manager, Scooter Braun.

Go and read it as it tells us a lot about the man, but also about Bieber and how he was discovered. Not least it has a telling indictment on all the major label A&R's who turned the kid down.

Now, whether you like Bieber or not and whether you believe he has a long term career or not (the article suggests that he is thinking how to make sure he does!), the fact that those talented, deep thinking, artist loving A&R men mostly couldn't see his massive success, tells us all we need to know.

Plus, they didn't believe that YouTube could break an artist.

You might not be or want to be the boy wonder Bieber, but YouTube is now ESSENTIAL to your success - a key part of your online music promotion. Managers and A&R men are now trawling it looking for future talent. So are fans.

Use it.

THR: What was the most common reason they gave you when turning him down?
Braun: They all said the same thing: that he's too young and no one's broken from YouTube. “Where's the platform? Go get a TV show, you can't compete with Disney or Nickelodeon.”

Read the whole article here.

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