Friday 19 August 2011

Google Author Rank for musicians

I just learnt about this today and it's not quite ready to help musicians, but it will....soon.

Google Author Rank is part of the Google+ and +1 explosion.

It is Google's latest element in the socialisation of search results. As it gets adopted by authors who write on blogs and other sites, their Google+ profile details will be logged and affect search engine results and their image will appear in search results as in the image above.

This is a big deal!

An expert article from a Social Media / SEO (genuine) expert explains it here.

The fact that the quality of an author's content (as voted for by Google+ users and the +1 button clickers) will affect the ranking of Google's results is enough. But, when an image of an author appears on the right hand side of a search result, you can guarantee that search result will get more clicks.

It's early days and eventually all results will have author images, but controlling that to your advantage is another little slice of web-savvy that all musicians will need to master.

As yet, Google doesn't want you to have an artist or business profile - just individuals. But, very soon they will roll this out. And, if you use Author Rank and have a Google+ profile for your band with some great profile images, you'll be able to make these appear in the Google search results.

If you're writing about your local area's music scene or your musical niche globally (as you probably should be), that visual reinforcement of your band's involvement will be important to how you're perceived.

So, this is a tip that you can't actually use....yet, but it's such a game changer in terms of search and visibility that you need to be ready for it.

Read and bookmark this article and remember to come back when Google allows you to have an artist Google+ profile!

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