Friday 11 February 2011

Facebook Fan Page revamp - what does it mean for musicians?

There is only really one story today - that Facebook have rolled out the expected changes to their Fan pages.

Image by Robert Scoble

How does this affect what you do to promote your band on Facebook?

The good news is that, on balance, it's an improvement. A few things I liked have gone - the tricks with profile photos for instance.

But there are two great improvements - switching between admin and yourself which allows more personal interaction - i.e. you can now interact on your page as the band or as any individual from the band (excellent!) and secondly, being able to act all over Facebook as your page.

These are both really good developments for artists in the ways that they can up their interaction.

And, the great concern was that tabs would change, but these have stayed as is, so all the work you put into making them work (such as with BandPage) will remain. Plus the introduction of iframes will allow some new trick apps to be developed and gives more freedom of design - don't ask me how but the techy people are excited about this!

I'm just going to link to four good reviews of the changes at the foot of this post so that you can go and get the gossip.

Amanda and I were waiting for this, since the changes to personal profiles, before we started finalising her eBook on Facebook for Musicians and various posts on the site about best practice for Facebook for bands.

Now that we know how Pages will look for the time being, we'll get stuck in to giving some specific advice on the main site.

Here's the four best posts about this that I found:

All Facebook

Ignite Social Media


Inside Facebook




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