Monday 25 July 2011

Building the perfect band website

Another great post from the Prescription PR website.

Simple yet crucial stuff on how to build the perfect website to promote your music. And I know that the guy who writes these articles, Chris, knows exactly what he is talking about as his main business is building websites - a lot of which are for musicians. He knows exactly what works and what to avoid.

This article covers all the key points and I pretty much agree with the whole thing.

Keep it simple and don't forget to keep it up to date!

Most bands make one of two mistakes when it comes to the aesthetics of their website. Either they let their desire for a funky-looking site trump all other considerations, or they completely ignore the importance of design.

Let’s start with the first mistake that bands make – going on a design binge. There is a huge arsenal of powerful but dangerous tools available to musicians - Flash, Photoshop, After Effects and so on – which can ruin a website just as easily as make it look fantastic. Misuse of these tools can spoil a music site in two main ways: first, by inducing amnesia about the important things that a site should actually do as well as be, or by making a site so reliant on wizardry that it causes problems for users viewing the site in certain browsers.

Read the whole piece here.


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