Monday 25 July 2011

Get your music featured on the right blogs

Jon Ostrow is the man!

Over the last 12 months he has built one of the leading music advice sites on the internet with contributions from many knowledgeable experts as well as himself.

He and his partner, Chris Taylor, are upping their efforts to get the very best advice to aspiring musicians by hosting a webinar - like a group teleconfernece call, but online, with slides and stuff - on 2nd August. This is a great way to learn from experts as you get the info and then you get time to ask them the questions that their advice will inevitably raise.

And, I agree with them on the choice of the first topic that they are covering - how to get your music featured on blogs.

I taught a seminar a couple of weeks ago and told the attendees that I believe blogs to be the NUMBER ONE way that a DIY musician can reach out, get coverage and start to build an audience.

It's free; it just takes time and organisation but is definitley something that you should be using as the cornerstone of your online marketing efforts.

And these guys know exactly how to do it.

The webinar costs $10, which pretty much just covers their costs - I'll be there, and I know I'll learn some tricks and tips. It's a 45 minute class, plus 30 minutes of questions and everyone gets a PDF of all the notes to take away and implement. That's great value.

Oh, and I'm not getting paid to recommend it either - I only suggest things to my readers that I think are cast iron value.

I recommend it wholeheartedly.

Here are all the details for the webinar.

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