In todays social media world, the video seems to be the optimum format for getting your music across. As much as we like to listen to music, the art of discovery is often helped with a video.
With all the low budget tech out there, it is now within everybodies reach to create a video. I succesfully filmed a band at a live gig recently with just two iphones just to see how it would work, and it didn't turn out too bad!
So if you fancy giving it a go, there are a few simple things you need get right before you embark on your first video production.
Peter Gavin has put together a list of 5 key points that will help you create your first video in a post that i found on evolver FM.
He says you need to consider these things..
1. It takes 2 (cameras) to make a thing go right
2. Lighting is the more important than your camera
3. Audio quality can make or break your video
4. You already own editing software
5. Resize your videos without losing quality
He goes into depth in the full article that you can read here. Which also has more leads/links to more info that will guide you through to making your first video.
Another interesting way to create a video is to use a useful app that has just appeared on the Web.
Vyclone is a new free iPhone app which allows you to include and remix your own video footage with the ones of your friends recording the same event.
Vyclone synchronizes and edits everyone's clips to create one movie with all the angles cut together.
Sounds awesome, you just make sure you get a few friends to install the app at your gig and get them filming, all the pain of syncing is taken away so you can just use the best shots!
For more info go here
Go on give it a go... it's not as difficult to make a video as you think!