Friday 17 December 2010

10 low cost rules of music promotion

Bobby Owsinski's book, Music 3.0, is great.

It sets out a real roadmap for musicians seeking to succeed in their own digital music marketing and promotion efforts. I recommend it.

On his blog, he reworks sections of the book and this post caught my eye as it gives a simple yet comprehensive list of things all aspiring musicians should be doing - a couple of which are different to what you might see elsewhere.

In particular, I like the idea of having a separate email list for a small band of 'influencers' and of asking anyone who posts about your music to give you a specific backlink to your site.

Never leave promotion to someone else. You always must be actively involved in at least an oversight level to be sure that not only are you getting promoted, but that it’s something that’s beneficial to your image as an artist. This even includes having a publicist, since she takes the cues from you. Especially don’t depend upon a record label, particularly in these days where so few people do so many jobs. It’s up to you to develop the strategy or it might not get developed at all.

That being said, here are a number of very low-cost M30 ideas that you can do to get your promotion started.

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