Monday 28 March 2011

Facebook and how the music industry still doesn't see it!

I'm working on a lot of Facebook stuff at the moment - for blog posts that are coming up on the main blog, but also with client campaigns.

And, it's gob-smacking how the music industry still doesn't get it.

All the marketers that I read and listen to (not from the music industry) who understand recipriocity (giving free stuff away) and engagement and authenticity can see the power of Facebook.

And it should be obvious. It's much easier to promote and sell stuff to pople where they already are. Join in with them there rather than trying all the time to drive them off somewhere else.

Your band website has a very special place but not being on Facebook as a musician today is just stupid.

More than 100 musicians have over 1 million fans on their Facebook pages. One quarter of the top 400 pages on Facebook are owned by musicians. There is another large group of musicians who have over 50,000 fans. These pages represent a huge opportunity. By simply taking control of your fan page with authentic messaging, direct-response marketing, and exclusive merchandising, you can create a significant direct-to-fan revenue channel, multiply the depth of your customer database, and cut your marketing costs – all in one fell swoop. And, did I mention that YOU control the sales channel? Facebook organizes more fans than you ever could on your own fan club, no matter how hard you tried. Why fight it? Use it!

Read the whole piece here.

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