Monday 7 March 2011

What happens for musicians when radio dies?


Image by C.P.Storm

I'm not sure that I have any idea!

Bob Lefsetz has been saying for ages that radio doesn't break acts - but he's wrong, or maybe just speaking too soon! It and TV still have that reach that creates the 'water cooler effect' even if the water cooler is now Facebook or somesuch.

But it will happen and this great article on Hypebot looks at some of the ways that it will unfold.

What does it mean for musicians? - well, hopefully, the lessening of the power of radio means that not everyone will want to listen to the same homogenous sound and so opportunity for niche artists will increase.

Whether it does or not, we shall have to wait and see, but being au fait with what's happening, as it happens, and seeing how listeners' behaviour is changing is going to be something all aspiring musicians are going to need to be right on top of!

In the next five to ten years, the "what" of radio is going to be flipped on its head and transformed into something that's fundamentally different. The young and the digital are going to live through the greatest transformation that traditional radio and in-car music have ever seen. In this post, we'll talk about the democratization of radio, the app revolution, the personalized music experience, e-commerce on wheels, real-time station analytics, and the creative destruction that will ensue.

Read the whole piece (and comments) here.

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