Friday 21 January 2011

YouTube viral method

I haven't gone mad - really!

Yes, that is a Sesame Street video below - and yes, it has got plenty to do with your video marketing education and use of YouTube for musicians.


Well, that video made by Sesame Street is a very clever idea that use the in-video annotations that YouTube offers - which allow you to link to another YouTube video.

I've never created anything that clever on YouTube, but as far as I nunderstand it, you can only link to other videos on YouTube using their annotation service (I know you can off-link using some text and/or third party tools) and this video uses that to create variant possible next scenes.

If you click on any of the options, you are taken to an appropriate next video that resolves your question.

Imagine doing this as a band?

You'd get massive viral traffic (like Arcade Fire did for their, which is a very different idea but my point is its viral natue!).

You could start a performance of your new single and then stop and ask people if they wanted you to play the rest - in drag / on harmonicas / by the sea - whatever.

That's just one idea - there are loads more ways that you could use this.

I guarantee that a band will do this within a few months and you'll go 'Aaaghh, I wish I'd thought of that' - well you can do it now.

Be that band!

Read this piece that tells all in more detail.

And here's the video.

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