Tuesday 12 October 2010

Echo Republic - a music stock market and sales platform

Another new space in the world of online music marketing.

Echo Republic is something new though - it has a dual pronged approach which allows you to add another outlet for your music which will then sell legal downloads at a price set to appeal to young fans, plus fans can buy a share of the revenue that your songs make through the service.

It's different to some other services since you aren't buying a share in the band's long term future - just the songs on sale - and that makes it appeal to me as an additional discovery outlet for artists. It's no risk to you.

Echo Republic, the world’s first joint music stock market and sales company, opened to the public on June 20th. Part music sharing, part e-commerce, Echo Republic strives to return the power of the music industry to its two most important members: the artists and their fans. “We're not a company. We're a movement.” says founder Patrick McConlogue of the California start-up.

A movement that will quickly attract attention for its legal music downloads at a price point even the most penny-pinching college student can handle: 10 cents a song. What's more, Echo Republic's firm belief that purchased music belongs to the buyer means every download is iPod™ compatible and accessible through the company's cloud based music library, Echo Encore.

Check out Echo Republic here

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